Thoughts on AI

Thoughts on the future of humanity, usually posted while I am drunk.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

This is Important

Alright, so I'm a little drunk, and I just listened to Nirvana's awful cover of Baba O'Riley. Awful, say the reviewers, but I know its perfect, it had to exist, and it had to be precisely that bad, to satisfy a certain equation of my own perfect existence.

Now, the important thought is this: This universe deals in totalities with its laws, which is strange. A simple example is in the law of the conservation of energy. No matter how complex a perpetual motion machine you attempt to build, it will fail. Why? because the universe is concerned not with each part, logical in itself, but with the sum of all parts. The law is the sum itself, it is unconcerned with details. You can build ANYTHING so long as it adds up in a way that is within these laws.

Now this puts forth a peculiar picture: reality, as manifest in universal laws, isn't created by the individual parts, the individual things we do. It is manifest in the totality of things that we do, the whole picture. Details in many ways are insignificant, unreal in the eyes of universal law, physical law. This non-existence of details, so long as they add up to a certain thing is the father of Karma, Thom York. And the ergo, the father of you.

Thus also, there are many pitfalls that we can fall into by following the logical ramifications of each tiny thing while ignoring the big picture. IT is the big picture that is the master of the small picture, this is how it always was, and always will be, counter intuitive as it may at first seem to the deterministic scientific mind.

Shalom. Peace.


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