Thoughts on AI

Thoughts on the future of humanity, usually posted while I am drunk.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

You. Are. Invited.

You. Yes you, you cynical old man. You fat middle aged woman. You wretched soul, yearning to breath free air. You are invited to this.

Its not about you. Its really not. And that's GOOD news. Tonight I went out to the store, and I found in my yearning and loneliness, that there was for me a bag of original flavor corn nuts available for 89 cents. It was a gesture of love somebody made awhile ago, inventing corn nuts, putting them in a bag I could afford at just 89 cents. So I bought them, and wandered down the isle with tears in my eyes: It was just not enough. All the products, celebrating their little love to me with their offers, were just not enough. The love pouring to me off the shelves of the supermarket was just not enough to satiate my soul, to really speak to who I am.

I'm writing this tonight because I know the score, I know who's listening, I know what's at stake and I really want to provide you with something BEYOND the 89 cent bag of corn nuts I bought earlier. I want you to know that I am really trying, I am really trying to bridge this gap between the human souls of you and I. I am trying to say something real and pure. I am searching for the words right now, and all that comes to me is the line from a Leonard Cohen song: "The heart has got to open in a fundamental way". That's how it feels, a hunger in the heart, a yearning that consumes you, that makes everything else you've ever known and felt seem inconsequential. IT doesn't matter if I live or die, my little life and little pain just doesn't matter any more. Its about something more, its about YOU, its about future generations.

Its about LOVE, pure and simple y'all, that's what I am feeling tonight is about. And YOU ARE INVITED. Love your neighbor, love the average guy on the street around you, with all his imperfections. Lets reach beyond ourselves and think about everybody else. Lets bridge the gap between the thought and the reality.

Good night y'all, and PEace


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